Monday, August 26, 2013

Counting My Blessings

A day at the (French) fair

I had never been to Governor's Island before, but this past weekend, the Mr. and I finally went. We took the (free!) ferry from Brooklyn so we could experience Fete Paradiso, a traveling festival of vintage French carnival rides. We were just two big kids who enjoyed the various carousels, including a bicycle carousel from 1892 - one of only two in the world (the other was featured in Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris). But we couldn't handle the jerking around of the dragon roller coaster (it was fun, but I felt like I was getting bruised). We ate a lovely lunch (I had a crepe and french fries, the Mr. had a chicken sausage and french fries) while listening to a woman sing Edith Piaf songs. And did I mention the weather was perfect (blue skies and in the high 70s)? We couldn't have had a better day...

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