Monday, September 9, 2013


Infertility creates a lot of negative thoughts. So to prevent them from eating me up whole, I try to distract myself.

This weekend, I rearranged the photos in my bedroom to make room for a few new pieces (a picture I got the Mr. for our dating anniversary and a bulletin board I bought to use for my pretty costume jewelry).

I had the Mr. spackle and paint and then, when everything was dry, I put up the pictures and bulletin board.

I think it came out pretty nice and it was good to have a few worry-free hours...

Friday, September 6, 2013

Counting My Blessings

Some people see Labor Day as the unofficial last day of summer. I see it as the unofficial first day of fall. And the Mr. and I love fall...

Last year's owl pumpkin... Now, what we should do this year?

Some of our fondest memories took place in the fall. We shared our first "I love you" at the end of our first October together; got engaged a few years later in November; and got married the following October.

Last year's Thanksgiving pie was such a hit that I plan to make it again this year.

But there are other things we love about this beautiful season. For the Mr., fall means football all day on Sundays and his favorite holiday, Thanksgiving. For me, it means apple-picking, pumpkin-carving, pie-baking and watching "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown."

Fall is also when the new school year starts which, to me, always meant a new beginning, a fresh start... Here's hoping that our fertility treatments work and there's a new beginning this fall...

Monday, September 2, 2013

What I Want (A Short Rant)

I want to stop crying every time I find out someone I know is pregnant. I can't help it. It's just a knee-jerk reaction. I know I should feel happy for them. But whenever someone says, "I have something to tell you," I get this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach because I already know what it is. Then I feel this ache in my heart and and my mind immediately thinks something along the lines of, "I've been trying to get pregnant longer than they've been married," or "In all the time I've been trying to get pregnant, they've managed to get pregnant twice." Followed by "This is not fair." It's probably better that other people break the news to me instead of the expecting couple because I would image my uncontrollable sobbing would be very jarring to the expecting couple.

I want to stop feeling miserable around pregnant women. It's gotten to a point that I try to avoid pregnant women so that I don't have to pretend to be happy around them. Because pretending to be happy for more than five minutes is exhausting. Is this crazy? Probably. But in reality, being around pregnant women just makes feel me feel horribly, deeply sad.

This is mostly because I want to be pregnant. I want to feel my daughter or son growing inside of me. I want to give them one of the awesome names the Mr. and I have already chosen. I want to stay up for late night feedings and sing lullabies to soothe them when they're teething. I want to be the first one they run to when they scratch their knees. I want to watch Disney movies with them and take them to the park and play with them. I want to hear them say, "I love you, Mommy."

Lastly, I want to believe that I will get pregnant soon. It's a good thing that I have people in my life who remind me to have faith, like my thoughtful sister-in-law who sent me a note and small St. Gerard token or the sweet friend who shared a sermon with me called, "The God Who Breaks Our Heart." When I'm having those difficult "I don't think it's ever going to happen" days, it's good to have those reminders (and supporters).

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Crowdfunding a Baby

I graduated from film school and worked in production for a few years, so I know a thing or two about crowdfunding sites like Indiegogo and Kickstarter... But now I hear that more and more couples are turning to crowdfunding for their fertility treatments and adoption fees. I'm really not sure how I feel about that.

Yes, I know how costly infertility treatments can be when your insurance doesn't cover them. My first round of IUI with Clomid just set me back $375. If I do that six times (as some insurance companies require six rounds of IUI before they cover IVF), it would cost $2,250. And don't even get me started on the costs of IVF (which my current insurance does not cover)...

So, out of curiosity,  I looked at sites like GiveForward and KrowdKidz, but I was thoroughly disappointed by the donation numbers I saw (a lot of $0 raised or nowhere near being fully funded). However, AdoptTogether seemed much more successful. I'm trying to figure out why that is... Is it because couples don't want to share their fertility treatments via social media and expand their reach? Is it because people feel weird helping to pay for IVF treatments, but okay with helping them adopt? Is it because IVF is like a coin toss and you have a 50/50 chance of getting pregnant, which is kind of a risky investment? Anyone know?

Also, with the Mr. and I now deciding to go radio silent on the details of our fertility treatments, I don't think he would allow me to start a crowdfunding page for us and share it on Facebook.

Of course, right now, we're still pretty early in the process and don't need to do something like that, but who knows what the future holds?

Monday, August 26, 2013

Counting My Blessings

A day at the (French) fair

I had never been to Governor's Island before, but this past weekend, the Mr. and I finally went. We took the (free!) ferry from Brooklyn so we could experience Fete Paradiso, a traveling festival of vintage French carnival rides. We were just two big kids who enjoyed the various carousels, including a bicycle carousel from 1892 - one of only two in the world (the other was featured in Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris). But we couldn't handle the jerking around of the dragon roller coaster (it was fun, but I felt like I was getting bruised). We ate a lovely lunch (I had a crepe and french fries, the Mr. had a chicken sausage and french fries) while listening to a woman sing Edith Piaf songs. And did I mention the weather was perfect (blue skies and in the high 70s)? We couldn't have had a better day...

Monday, August 19, 2013

Sex, Lies & Infertility

I'm a pretty honest person. I always try to say what I mean and mean what I say... Unfortunately, there are times when this isn't socially acceptable.

I was at a bridal shower this past weekend when the topic of my sister-in-law's pregnancy came up. I felt trapped as they talked about what they think the baby's gender would be, how the doctor said he was 99% sure and how exciting it all is. They then moved on to talk about how their hair dresser got married in February and must have gotten pregnant on her wedding night because she announced she was pregnant two weeks later. As much as I wanted to say, "Please shut up because the Mr. and I have been trying to get pregnant longer than any of these people have been married and it's killing me that I'm still not pregnant yet," I didn't. It would have been rude and put a damper on the festivities.

Telling people the truth makes them feel uncomfortable. I know because I've told people the truth before. A friend of the Mr. asked me at a wedding last year when the Mr. and I would be getting on the baby train. I was so annoyed that he asked that I told him point blank that we've been trying for over a year, that I even had surgery and nothing. Needless to say, it shut him up quick.

Most people don't know how to deal with our whole infertility thing. It's foreign territory to them. Either they don't want kids yet (so they're still in the avoiding pregnancy stage of life) or it was so easy for them to get pregnant they're just shocked it's not easy for everyone else. It's also extremely personal because it makes people think about your sex life and, as far as polite conversation goes, you should always avoid talking about religion, politics and sex.

Obviously, whether I tell you the whole truth or not depends on how close we are. My mom knows a lot and so do a handful of friends. One friend and I have gotten to the point of texting each other when we find out someone we know is pregnant. We can express our hurt and frustration to each other without appearing like lepers or Wicked Witches of the East to anyone else. 

Strangers are another story. When we were on vacation in Turks & Caicos, hotel employees and other guests would find out that the Mr. and I have been married for four years and they'd inevitably ask if we have children? They didn't really care. They just want to see if we fit in to the social norm. We were forced to answer no, we do not have children. They'd then answer one of two ways: "You'd better get on that..." (and go on about the joys of parenthood) or "Enjoy it while it lasts..." (and go on about the pains of parenthood).

Luckily, I was prepared for this. I had recently read a post by a fellow childless blogger who went to get a manicure and the manicurist cried when she found out that this woman didn't have any children. The manicurist felt sadness and pity for this woman because she (the manicurist) thought having children was the best thing that ever happened her. I didn't want to feel that pity. I was on vacation and wanted to get away from the stigma of infertility.

So I would just nod and smile and say we have to go to somewhere (whether we actually did or didn't). And I think I'll continue to do that in the future because sometimes a little lying is the only way no one ends up feeling bad... including me.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Counting My Blessings

This past week, the Mr. and I had a much needed vacation in Turks & Caicos. We stayed at the Gansevoort, got a couples massage, had a few piƱa coladas at Somewhere (our new favorite beach bar), worked out and sunbathed by the pool...

We took long walks along the beach...

We watched the beautiful sun set...

And we enjoyed the stars from our ocean view terrace...

Since we're starting our infertility treatments soon, the time away really helped us clear our heads, reflect on our journey and relax a bit. It was just what we needed and I am so grateful that we had the time (and the money) to take such a wonderful vacation.